Many homeowners think that selling their home alone without the help of a North Shore Real Estate Agent will help save them money in the end. The fact of the matter is that selling your home on your own isn’t easy work. In fact, you may actually lose a substantial amount of money when you aren’t formerly trained in the business of real estate.

A North Shore Real Estate Agent can not only save you money, they can save you time and stress so that you can make the transition from one house to the other as smoothly as possible.


Putting Your Home on the Market

Did you think you could erect a “Private Sale” sign and everything else would be smooth sailing? While this is a start, there is a lot more to it.

Many homeowners think that they can simply take a few photos and pay a few hundred dollars to have their home listed on Trademe. When calls don’t start flooding in enquiring about the home many sellers wonder what the problem is.


The Power of Exposure

The problem is a lack of exposure.

When you work with a North Shore Real Estate Agent he or she is be able to network with others to be sure that your home is getting as much exposure as possible. Greater exposure equals more buyers, more competition and ultimately a higher sale price.

A North Shore Real Estate Agent will also have other avenues to explore with listing your home on the Internet and locally.


The Value of Your Home

Sellers lose money when they attempt to sell their home on their own because they often don’t know the true market value.

A North Shore Real Estate Agent knows all of the current market values and trends and can help you get the most for your home no matter what the market situation is.

In a falling market a private seller can lose money by leaving it at a high price for too long. In a rising market they can lose money by not understanding the market movements and having no means to protect themselves from underselling.


Reputation and Expertise

The majority of people in the market for a home go with a North Shore Real Estate Agent; in fact you could say over 80% of buyers work with a North Shore Real Estate Agent because the Agent has a good reputation and they need help maneuvering the real estate market. People that don’t buy Real Estate often are out of their depth and need professional assistance.

If you put a sign on your fence, in the newspaper, or on bulletin boards in various areas buyers have no idea who they are dealing with. Though a buyer may be able to get a good deal on a home that is for sale by owner, they are leery of working with someone that they don’t know and may or may not have real estate experience.


Final Thought

As you can see, there are many reasons to work with a real estate agent instead of trying to sell your home on your own. While a North Shore Real Estate Agent may take a percentage of the selling price, if they achieve a price that is suitable to you, this is peanuts for all of the work and stress that they are saving you from.

Just think; the legal paper work, home inspections, showing your home, and using their expertise and knowledge through years of experience to sell your home as quickly as possible for a maximum price is what a North Shore Real Estate Agent does.

If you are considering selling and would like to discuss your options, please feel call me on 021 85 84 83, or email