The ideal home means different things to different people; but the most appealing home always will possess a clear and clean sense of style. Many of us allow our personal style to get in the way and that can interfere with being able to sell your home fast.
Here are a few simple fixes to help you sell your home fast:
Clutter Control
Every room of the house should be organized so that potential buyers can easily walk through. It can be a headache and an extra burden but think about placing items in storage, especially out-of-season items.
Take a walk around your kitchen and ask yourself, what do you really need? Start by storing bulky kitchen appliances and décor pieces that you rarely use. They quickly take up lots of counter space and buyers will not be able see past this.
The bedroom should reveal an oasis however it often becomes a dumping bay for heaps of clothing and other items. Everything has a place so if it doesn’t fit or it’s in the wrong room, move it or lose it.
Ultimately if you are not going to use it before you move, then put it in storage it will pay off to help you sell your home fast
Use Your Kitchen To Help Sell Your Home Fast!
Did you know the number two reason people select a particular house is because of kitchen space? Eight out of ten home buyers who walk through a house remember what the kitchen looks like and what its benefits verses faults were.
This leads to the question – what is the most significant part of the kitchen? Choices include floors, appliances, lighting, but the part that stands out the most are the kitchen cabinets. It is the most dominant aspect of the kitchen, and the easiest way to create a “wow” factor.
Everyone remembers the kitchen cabinets; it could be because of the color or stain, the design of the cabinet, or mostly because of the clean feel that a new kitchen cabinet provides. If your cabinet doors are looking old then replace them. There is a company called Dream Doors where you can do this very cost effectively.
Does Your Front Door say “Welcome”
And finally, Curb Appeal really sells the house. Ensure the door is visible and strong looking. It needs to be welcoming, but yet show strength for security. Have the path clear and well lit up to the door.
If you are thinking on selling and would like some personalized advice to help sell your home fast call me to discuss on of my free Property Presentation Plans. You can reach me on 09 481 0648.
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