Selecting the correct target market is essential for selling your home. It is even more essential when you are renovating and presenting your home for sale. If you get the target market wrong, it will cost you thousands of dollars. I have witnessed it time and time again.
A prime example of correctly selecting the target market and playing to that is Ben and Libby from the Block (winners from Season 1). Right at the start they clearly identified who their target market was and what they would want. From there everything that they did around their renovation was towards that target market, and ultimately it showed in their end result and they got the reward for it.
I’ve always wanted to do a test of 2 houses side by side and the same, one target market focused and one not and see what the result was. Only I didn’t want to throw away money on the non-targeted house. Thanks TV3 for doing that for me!
This is a crucial step that a lot of people actually miss out, and often this results in a mis-matched house that simply doesn’t work for any target market, let alone one target market.
The marketing teams for major corporations like say Coke, Apple or Adidas, all explicitly know their target market and everything is focused towards that. When you’re marketing your home for sale, the principles are the same. Which photos are selected, how the adverts are written, what language patterns and keywords are used and how it is marketed.
A final word on selecting your target market
The target market for your property will change, depending on what is happening in the market right at that time. It’s best not to do this yourself as you will not have the insider knowledge of what is happening at the coal face and the media are 3-6 months behind. If you would like some help clarifying your target market please give me a call on 09 481 0648.
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