PART 3 – REGIONAL AND DISTRICT RULESChapter I: Zone rules»1 Residential zones»

3. Land use controls

3.1 Maximum density

    1. The number of dwellings on a site must not exceed the limits specified below:

zone rules

Within the Mixed Housing Suburban zone a density of one dwelling per 300m² applies where:

    1. the site has a frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density
    2. each proposed dwelling is setback at least 4m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site.
  1. Within the Mixed Housing Urban zone a density of one dwelling per 250m² applies to proposed front sites where:
    1. each proposed site has a frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density
    2. each proposed dwelling is setback at least 2.5m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site.
  2. Where three or four dwellings are proposed on a front site within the Mixed Housing Suburban or Mixed Housing Urban zone the site must be at least 15m wide:
    1. at the frontage
    2. for at least 80 per cent of the length of its side boundaries.
  3. Within the Mixed Housing Suburban zone a density of one dwelling per 200m2 applies where four or more dwellings are proposed and the site:
    1. has a minimum net site area of 1200m2
    2. is at least 20m wide:
      1. at the frontage of the site
      2. for at least 80 per cent of the length of its side boundaries.
  4. Within the Mixed Housing Urban zone no density limit applies where four or more dwellings are proposed and the site:
    1. has a minimum net site area of 1200m²
    2. is at least 20m wide:
      1. at the frontage of the site
      2. for at least 80 per cent of the length of its side boundaries.
  5. To avoid doubt, within the Mixed Housing Suburban and Mixed Housing Urban zones the most restrictive density applies to existing and proposed rear sites.
  6. Development that does not comply with clauses 1-6 above is a discretionary activity.
  7. Clause 1 above does not apply where a dwelling is converted into two dwellings as a permitted activity.

3.2 Home occupations

  1. At least one person engaged in the home occupation must use the dwelling on the site as their principal place of residence.
  2. No more than two people who do not use the dwelling as their principal place of residence may work in the home occupation.
  3. No more than four people in total may work in the home occupation.
  4. The sale of goods or services from the home occupation that requires customers to come to the site and the delivery of goods to and from the site may not occur before 7am or after 7pm.
  5. Car trips to and from the home occupation activity must not exceed 20 per day.
  6. Heavy vehicle trips must not exceed two per week.
  7. No more than one commercial vehicle associated with the home occupation may be on site at any one time.
  8. Storage for rubbish and recycling associated with the home occupation must be provided on site and screened from public view.
  9. Materials or goods manufactured, serviced or repaired in the home occupation must be stored and worked on within a building on the same site.
  10. With the exception of goods ordered and distributed electronically or by mail/courier, goods sold from the home occupation must be produced on site.
  11. A home occupation that does not comply with clauses 1-10 above is a non-complying activity.

3.3 The conversion of a dwelling into two dwellings

  1. Where a dwelling is proposed to be converted into two dwellings each dwelling must have a net internal floor area of at least 40m².
  2. The second dwelling must:
    1. have direct access to an outdoor living space. This space may be exclusive to the dwelling or shared with the primary dwelling
    2. have a common wall with the primary dwelling of no less than 3m in length or share a ceiling and/or floor with the primary dwelling
    3. comply with the daylight and minimum dimension of principal living rooms and principal bedrooms development controls.
  3. The primary dwelling must exist on the date of notification of this Unitary Plan.
  4. Parking is not required for the second dwelling.