sell your home privately

Before you rush to sell your home privately there are some points to consider carefully

When a home owner decides to sell their home, the thought to sell your home privately often comes up as part of the decision making process. Before you make your decision of whether to sell your home privately or not, there are some things to consider:


The cost of the Agents fees is normally the primary reason that home owners want to sell your home privately, they feel that they can save on the fees if they sell themselves.

The interesting thing is that when a buyer sees a private sale property, they think that they are going to save on the fees as well! So quite often the two will never meet in the middle.

Getting the Best Price

Whenever you sell your home the result is obtained when you secure an unconditional agreement. In a rising market it is often the easiest and most attractive time to sell a property, the thing is this is when you are most at risk of under selling your property.

The market can move considerably very quickly and if the sale process is not managed correctly for the market conditions it can cost you greatly.

In a depressing market it is very easy to either panic and reduce the price too quickly, and on the other hand it is also easy to leave it too long and the property will be left over priced on the market and become stale.

Knowledge and Skills

An important skill when selling your home privately is your ability to negotiate and manage the negotiation process. This will have a huge effect on your end sale price.

One important thing to note is that often buyers do not like to negotiate directly with the home owners. It is something that some people do not feel overly comfortable doing and you will lose some potential buyers for this reason.

This is a good benefit of using a North Shore Real Estate Agent, they become a neutral third party and an ‘in-betweener’ for the difficult parts of the negotiations. It is much easier to say ‘They have said…’ as opposed to ‘I don’t want…’

If you are selling your home privately you need to know how to manage the buyers and communicate with them well and be ready to be available at all times.


The decision of whether you should sell your home privately can come down to control. They may have had a bad experience with a Real Estate Agent and want to take full control of doing the marketing and sale process themselves so that it does not happen again.

If this is an issue for you I would recommend that you are careful in your selection of a North Shore Real Estate Agent and ask the right questions.  If you want full creative control a good Agent will be more than happy to give you this.  I always offer this to my clients where if they would like it they can select the images with me and approve all marketing and information material prior to it going to market.

Do you still want to sell your home privately?

If after considering the above factors you still want to consider selling privately, I have created an ebook that outlines the 24 crucial steps that need to be followed to sell your home privately. You can download the free ebook here – 24 Steps to Sell Your Home Privately. If you are considering your options and would like to discuss through these various options that you have I would welcome your contact, you can reach me on 09 481 0648.