Should you try to sell your home on your own as a Private Seller? This is a question that owners often ask themselves when deciding to put their home on the market.
Here are the top 4 facts you need to know if you’re considering selling your North Shore home privately:
The biggest risk in today’s market is under selling
In today’s sellers market the biggest risk that you will sell your home for too little. Prices that would have been fair 2-3 months ago are now cheap.
A good North Shore Real Estate Agent that is active in the market will have their finger on the pulse and will know right where the market is, ensuring that you are not under or over priced.
If you don’t sell in the first 2 weeks you are at risk of losing money
After 2 weeks a property has lost its impact online and traffic start to decline very quickly and this relates to how many people come through the open homes.
Private sellers don’t have the same resources and marketing reach that Real Estate Agents do. When numbers start to fall off private sellers panic and drop the price. This can be fatal to your property value.
Do you have all the required skills a North Shore Real Estate Agent has?
The most difficult tasks reported by private sellers are attracting potential buyers, getting the price right, understanding and completing the paperwork and importantly dealing and negotiating with the buyers.
Not to mention the fact that you need to be available all the time when a buyer wants to see your property.
Do you have these skills and time available to ensure that you secure the best possible price for your home?
There is confusion on who saves the money
When a seller wants to sell their home privately, they are normally motivated by saving the Real Estate Agent fees.
When a buyer is coming up the drive to a private sale property they think they are going to get it cheaper because there are not any agents fees involved. So who really saves the money?
Often I have seen a home sell privately for lower than the market value, of approximately the Agency fees. The owner could have saved themselves the time and heartache by employing a good North Shore Real Estate Agent. They may have even got more with the experience that an Agent has to offer.
If you are ready to hire a North Shore Real Estate Agent to get your home sold, I’d love to hear from you. You can give me a call on 021 85 84 83 or email me at to discover how I can help you to maximize your homes sale value.
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