Real Estate

NZ Herald Article: House buyers win – but suing vendors after auction U-turn costs them $150,000

The Auckland house that was in dispute. Photo / Nick Reed & NZ Herald

This is an interesting case on a number of fronts. It’s good to see the courts enforcing the ruling that a sale at auction (or unconditional sale) is a sale – there is no backing out, by either party.

It’s also good to see a party fronting up and committing to chasing through and going to court. Often the practicalities of enforcing a contract like this don’t stack up, so people let it go. It has cost this couple […]

2019-01-16T06:32:14+13:00By |

What is my take on the current market?

At the moment every one I speak is asking the same question – ‘What is happening with the market?’. We have just had short, and quite sharp, period of uncertainty and to a point a correction of values.

Homes that were selling for $800K – $850K, are now selling for early – mid $700’s. Overall, I am now seeing values around the wider Western North Shore back the levels that they were at around May – June this year. Coincidentally this is also around the time when the new legislative rules were announced by the Reserve Bank […]

2016-06-02T16:44:24+12:00By |

How to Bid at Auction

I was recently interviewed by the NZ Herald on strategies for bidding at Auction.  Below is a copy of the article, with credits to Diana Clement.

It should be noted that every case is very different, and the strategies you should implement can vary depending on the situation and who you are bidding against.

If you do need any help I’d love to hear from you, you can contact me on 021 85 84 83.



How to get the home you want

2019-01-16T06:32:14+13:00By |

Auckland Unitary Plan

Important notes: 

The Auckland Unitary Plan is currently in notified stage, and has reached the Council Decisions stage. Essentially this means the plan is still a ‘Work In Progress’ however we are now much closer to having the Unitary Plan being operative.  Until the Auckland Unitary Plan is Operative we would not recommend making purchases based on the zoning measures of what a property will be under the Plan as it could still change.

If you are making important decisions based on the Auckland Unitary Plan I recommend that you either talk to Town Planning at […]

2019-01-16T06:32:15+13:00By |

Why a House Doesn’t Sell

Sometimes when marketing a property the house doesn’t sell and it just sits there and gains little interest. Naturally this is every Real Estate Agents worst nightmare.

I have found that generally if a home doesn’t sell it comes down to one of the Biggest Home Seller Mistakes that I have written about in my free report, actually normally there is a combination of the mistakes that are made.

To boil it all down and simplify things, it really comes down to four key issues with seven move forward strategies.

Why a […]

2019-01-16T06:32:15+13:00By |

Top 4 Facts You Need to Know If You’re Considering Selling Your North Shore Home Privately

Should you try to sell your home on your own as a Private Seller? This is a question that owners often ask themselves when deciding to put their home on the market.

Here are the top 4 facts you need to know if you’re considering selling your North Shore home privately:

The biggest risk in today’s market is under selling

In today’s sellers market the biggest risk that you will sell your home for too little. Prices that would have been fair 2-3 months ago are now cheap.

A good North Shore Real Estate […]

2016-06-02T16:46:06+12:00By |

What a North Shore Real Estate Agent Has That You Don’t

Selling a home is stressful enough without having to worry about developing marketing strategies, showing the house and dealing with buyers. That’s where a North Shore Real Estate Agent can help.

Your North Shore Real Estate Agent should have extensive experience and training that makes it easier to find the buyer for your home. Using the multitude of tools at their fingertips, real estate professionals reach out to more potential buyers, have access to listing databases and can easily determine a good offer from a bad one.

Without an agent, you could be missing out on […]

2019-01-16T06:32:16+13:00By |

The Use of Lines When Presenting Your Home for Sale

When you are presenting your home for sale you need to be aware of the elements of interior , one of these elements is ‘Lines’.  Lines are generally created by the shapes and objects, but can also be created by negative space.

You need to be aware of your use of lines as they are a very important factor in creating a mood and/or feeling in a room.

The purpose of lines in a room is: to create a feeling of movement of the eyes; give a sense of direction; drawing the attention of the viewer […]

2019-01-16T06:32:17+13:00By |

Home Seller Tip #3: How to Market Your Property to Sell

The whole idea of the marketing is to get the buyer to the property, to do this it is essential that you market by correctly and use as many means as possible to ensure that you capture everyone.

If you don’t use enough marketing ‘power’ or don’t spread your net wide enough you may not reach your target audience. The more power you add the better – as long as you have the correct target, if you selected the wrong target, you marketing spend is wasted.

Talking to many buyers we have established that buyers are […]

2019-01-16T06:32:17+13:00By |

Why Auctions are Good for Buyers

A lot of buyers I come across are scared of auction and don’t like to go to them, often discounting properties that are being marketed by way of Auction. If you are one of these people, you are missing out! Auctions are actually really good to buy at, let me show you why:

Simple process

Buying at auction is a very simple process. You get to know that day if you have brought the property, or not, and you are unconditional. If you are successful – fantastic! If you aren’t, there are plenty more fish in […]

2019-01-16T06:32:17+13:00By |
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